Pneumatic Tubes Systems for Hospitals

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Specialized Conveying Systems for Hospitals

Aerocom’s newest technology provides hospitals with a way to blend ergonomics, performance, aesthetics, and accountability all into one simple solution. Using a pneumatic tube system in hospitals can dramatically enhance speed and accountability by streamlining workflow processes and maximizing productivity.

Aerocom’s designs and systems offer all of the latest features to meet the evolving needs of today’s fast-paced environments. Whether we’re implementing a pneumatic tube system in hospitals, clinics, or pharmacies, we customize the system to meet the needs of your facility. Every hospital is different and every need is unique. We set ourselves apart through in-depth client consultations to understand your individual needs. Once the need is defined, Aerocom engineers design your unique solution, and finally, our factory-trained Aerocom technicians deliver your product. Aerocom is with you every step of the way.

Where To Install A System? We’re Glad You Asked.

Using a pneumatic tube system in hospitals can satisfy needs in both critical and non-critical areas:

Emergency Rooms
Trauma Centers
Blood Banks
Clinical Labs
Central Processing Areas
Satellite Pharmacy
Satellite Lab
Nurse Stations
Reception Areas

Aerocom in Action

Hear from Tom Kruer, director of engineering at St. Mary’s Healthcare Systems.